Highfield Accredited

First Aid at Work (FAW)

Delivered over 3 days, the qualification is aimed at learners who wish to become first-aiders in the workplace.

An image for the first aid at work services and training

The course

This is the Level 3 Highfield Award in First Aid at Work (FAW) course and is the next step up from the Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) course. Delivered over 3 days, the qualification is aimed at learners who wish to become first-aiders in the workplace. This qualification meets the requirements for training first-aiders in those organisations that have identified that staff need to be trained to this level within their first aid needs assessment.

What do I need to start my course?

  1. Send in the required ID documents

Who is it for?

This qualification is the minimum requirement for those wishing to take the SIA Close Protection Operatives course and once successfully passed, is valid for 3 years, it is advised that the CPR and use of a defibrillator section is refreshed yearly.

This course is ideal for those wishing to increase their knowledge and skills in first aid, either in the workplace, school or at home.

How it works

Apply for the course

Select the available dates for your course and complete the booking form.

Pay for the course

Once your application has been accepted, confirm your booking by paying the course fee.

Enjoy your course

Our friendly training team will send your course joining instructions, study material and any pre- attendance requirements via email, a tutor will be available to assist with any other enquiries you may have.


Questions frequently asked by customers and professionals about our training, top-up and refresher courses.

What is the different between 'Top-up training' and 'Refresher training'?

Top Up Training was introduced to help fill the gaps in training following several changes within the industry. For those with a Security Guard or Door Supervisor License, everyone has now undergone this training and so the SIA has introduced the new Refresher Training package.

As the name suggests, this training is intended to ‘Refresh’ the skills you learned on your original course and to update you with things like, additions to the law, reminders of the SIA code of conduct or criminal trends such as drink spiking. If you have previously attended a Top Up Training session, you are advised to attend a Refresher training session before renewing your license, after April 2025, this advice will become mandatory.

Close Protection License holders must complete a Top Up before being able to renew their license, this is not expected to change until sometime in 2026.

Can you run courses at our company?

Yes, we run courses across the whole of the UK as well as overseas.

Do you online deliver security training?

No, we deliver First Aid Training, Fire Marshall and Traffic Marshal courses to name but a few, we can also develop and deliver bespoke training packages for corporate customers.

Where is your training delivered?

Our classrooms are in Esher, Surrey, there’s parking close by at the Sandown Racecourse just 2 minutes away.

Apply now

Course cost

Part of this course requires you to be assessed giving CPR and using a defibulator on the floor for around 2 minutes, please discuss with your tutor if you have any concerns.

All study materials and exam registration
2 free exam re-sits
Expert advice and teaching by subjet matter experts

Get in Touch


1st Floor Hillbrow House
Hillbrow Road
KT10 9NW